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Weather Closures

March 02, 2018

With the Beast from the East and Storm Emma causing havoc for the most of Wales, it has led to most of our ladies being snowed in.

Unfortunately, there isn't really much we can say or do to help those in the brunt.

Our escorts are devastated they cannot move especially Adeline, who's being going out of her mind with cabin fever.

Some ladies are probably enjoying the relaxed time out, unless they are like myself who is stuck without bread and milk.

How I found it hilarious that everyone had dome the usual buy the shops out, when the warnings came in. Now I wish I had done the same...


Some of our ladies such as Megan and Liza have been fortunate not to get so much and are still able to get to jobs.


If you are calling for escorts in Cardiff this evening, we may be restricted to who we can send out. Swansea and West Wales we do have Liza, and Megan as far as Bridgend.


Let's hope this Big Freeze leaves and we can get back to warming you guys up.